Friday, February 7, 2014

Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28 (2-in-1 Review)

Green Lantern #28 (2013-present)
Writer: Robert Venditti
Artist: Billy Tan

Red Lanterns #28 (2013-present)
Writer: Charles Soule
Artist: Alessandro Vitti

They gave us two issues in one, in the form of a "flip book". A term that I misunderstood, as I thought they had meant an animated flip book, especially with the contents of the stories. Regardless, here is two reviews in one. One for the Greens, and one for the Reds. Like February.

Green Lantern Rundown:
The story begins with Green Lanterns Barreer and Lok racing back to Mogo to see what is happening with communications being down. Off in the distance they see red light from a Red Lantern and with the new mission of the Green Lantern Corps is to police the use of power from the emotional spectrum. Unaware of whom she is, the Red Lantern that they encounter is, Supergirl, and judging by her screams and illegible speech, she has yet to visit the lake on Ysmault. She crashes into Barreer, who is trying to shield his face from the red plasma dripping from Kara's mouth. The other lantern attempts to help, but the meteor they landed on, is blown apart when Supergirl uses her laser-eye powers. Which causes her to pass out from exhaustion. Barreer and Lok use the opportunity to construct a coffin of sorts to continue  pull her on their way to Mogo to reach the other Green Lanterns.

Back on Mogo (who is a living planet bearing a Green ring, and current home of the Green Lantern Corps, for those unaware), we see Hal Jordan, leader of the corps, swearing in new recruits. There is still some annimosity amongst corps members over the new light weilding rules. Suddenly, Barreer and Lok arrive with their new "friend". Who has broken free and now requires all the Greens to construct retraints on her to hold her down. Nobody, including Hal, is aware of who she is and who her cousin is. After his ring does a scan of her, he now is aware she is Krytonian. Hal searches for Blue Lantern Saint Walker, who is on Mogo dealing with being the sole surviving member of the Blue Lanterns, and only person capable at the moment to "cure" a Red Lantern of being a Red Lantern. However, Saint Walker is still to greif stricken to help. Hal decides to leave Kilowog incharge and bring the new Red Lantern to Guy Gardner and the other Reds. We learn that Mogo's ring is simply hanging on a branch of a tree for treemunks to play with. Also, that Krypton was in Sector 2813.

Green Lantern Review:
Although I am a tad disappointed on the flip book situation, I am once again happy to see that Geoff Johns departure from the title hasn't hindered it at all in my opinion. I could definitely use a break from all the cross-overs (not just Green Lantern titles either), but it is nice to see that the flag ship title of this part of the DC Universe involved in a special kind of way, in bringing in Supergirl as a Red Lantern. A semi big deal for me. Story was decently done, I like how they are approaching the Blue Lantern situation, some out there may be against another dark situation in comics, but I think at times we need to see our heroes emerge from darkness that is as close to reality as they can, as to give us...hope if you will. And it will be interesting to see how the power of hope survives and returns from the loss of all member but one. Even though I am not totally on board with the "no using light" rule, I do like how it's adding a build up story with the dissension amongst the Green Lanterns that appears to be happening over this.

Red Lanterns Rundown:
Things begin where Red Lanterns #27 left off with Zox and Skallox squaring off against Shadow Thief. On route to a losing end, Guy Gardner and Ice show up to save the day. After Skallox explains Shadow Theif's powers absorb the light, Guy comes up with the plan to make things as bright as they possibly can as to eliminate the shadows. They do so using their rings, and have Ice follow-up using her abilities to freeze the body of the villain. Guy tries to finish patching things up with Ice, but she let's him know that she is not interested, despite his best efforts to show he has changed, and isn't the hot head she once knew. Heartbroken and angry, Guy and the other Red Lanterns head enroute back to Ysmault. We rejoin the sub story from last issue where, Rankorr and Bleez are trying to fend of the attack of Atrocitus, Dex-Starr and a creature we now learn is a red ring bearer named, Klarn. The new Reds ability is to not only absorb the power of from the Lanterns ring attacks, but to also send it all back out in an attack of its own. Atrocitus explains how he feels betrayed by his Red Lanterns and that Dex-Starr was his only loyal follower.

Hal and company arrive on Ysmault, to a "warning shot" by Guy Gardner picking up where Green Lanterns #28 left off. Gardner exclaims that the Reds are taking Sector 2814 because Hal promised a sector to them, and Ysmault is also in Sector 2814 like Earth. After some more heated words, Guy notices the Greens "package" and its contents. He cools down a bit, and Hal proceeds to explain that she is Kryptonian. Both agree that they need to tread lightly as the only other Kryptonian that they know is Superman, and neither want to be on his bad side. Upon hearing "Superman", Kara freaks out, breaks free and is back on the offensive. Hal decides to let the Red Lanterns find out the hard way first on how strong she is. They then work together to submerge her into the lake by the power battery. We are reminded by Zox, that before Guy arrived, Atrocitus had sent out nine rings, meaning there were eight more recruits on the loose plus Ratchet's "replacement".

Back to Bleez and Rankorr, still trying to survive Atrocitus and others' attack, it appears that Rankorr has decided to learn from fallen Lantern Ratchets actions, and sacrifice himself so that Bleez may escape to warn the rest of the Red Lantern Corps. Back on Ysmault, things wrap up with Guy and Hal waiting on the new recruit to re-emerge from the lake, agreeing that the Reds are in control of Sector 2814, with the only exception being that Green Lantern Simon Baz be allowed to remain on Earth. Now with a more clear head, the Kryptonian tells the men her name is "Kara Zor-El". Hal realizes that this may be a direct family member of Superman.

Red Lanterns Rundown:
I do like the direction the book is taking now. I didn't think that I would as I loved the character Atrocitus and wasn't ever a fan of Guy Gardner's. However, either he is being portrayed in a new way, or I just didn't give him a proper chance, then add the new look, I am a fan of the current Guy Gardner. I liked that they were attempting to add a human to the mix with Rankorr, but it is looking as though he may be short lived (or not), but with that comes the return of Atrocitus and Dex-Starr. I fell for the duo in the initial issue of the series when Atrocitus saved his kitty.
I am very happy that they added a bigger name to the mix with Supergirl. How long it will last I am not sure, but I think I will enjoy it while it lasts. Plus, there is apparently eight other rings out there. Not all of them may land on anyone worth noting or already established, but perhaps there will be a string of name brand characters will temporarily utilize the power of rage. Giving us a taste of what could be.
The art is as always, good, but a touch rough at times for my liking. Held its own with slightly better work on the flip side, and did not take away from the story at all, and did its job.

Stay Nerdy!


  1. Good review. I thought the art on the Red side of the book was a bit rough too, but as you say, it served its purpose and I do like Guy's "shaggy" look. Guy always felt like he was competing with Hal, so it's good for him to be a Red, I think. It gives him his own track. I have wondered for a long time how Earth got away with having 5 Green Lanterns (Hal, John, Kyle, Guy, and now Simon). Now that Hal is running the Corps, Simon is stuck on Earth, and Kyle is still a White Lantern, that only leaves John to be a "normal" Green Lantern. I think they have evened things out by doing that.

    1. Thank you. And thanks for reading the review of Green Lantern/Red Lantern #28. Very much appreciated. I would have to read more Green Lantern: New Guardians to see what John Stewart is up to, but with him being a former military man, why not have him become the new symbol of Hope? A la the Blue Lanterns to fill out the Emotional Spectrum that Geoff Johns has developed? I am sure a lot will change even as the Supergirl as a Red Lantern story plays out. Again, thanks for reading and for weighing in.
