Saturday, March 1, 2014


Batman: The Dark Knight #28

Writer: Greg Hurwitz

Artist: Ethan Van Sciver

Cover: Ethan Van Sciver

The Rundown:
Jim Gordon and the G.C.P.D. are investigating a homicide where once again victims were drained of their blood. Batman gets samples from Gordon and immediately heads after Dr. Kirk Langstrom, who informs him that the tests Batman will run will show he wasn't responsible, believing him Batman leaves. We are introduced to Abraham Langstrom, top man at Patriarch Pharmaceuticals and Kirk Langstrom's father. He steel nerved, immoral business man who has bought up every drop of the Man-Bat serum across the globe, and has become addicted to the effects after having become Man-Bat himself.
At the Batcave, Alfred points out how Man-Bat is Batman's opposite in both name and characteristics, when the tests complete, revealing to them the identity of the new Man-Bat, Abraham Langstrom as we learned previously. We learn from Abe's point of view how it feels to be Man-Bat as he feeds on another victim, and how primal instincts take over, which is to hunt and feed. Bruce goes to Lucius Fox for assistance in developing an antidote, who explains the family history between the Wayne's and Langstrom's. Abraham was Thomas Wayne's rival in all aspects from business to philantropy, but despite that, Abe seemed to have an admiration for Bruce as a child.
Kirk confronts his father as he returns from his hunt, who in turn begins to belittle Kirk as he points out how he has made a superior serum, and how he's always been an embarrassment to him, wishing he was more like Bruce Wayne. He even reveals to Kirk that he isn't above killing his own son if he gets in his way, before going to rest (while hanging upside down from a bar). Alfred reaffirms Abe's words while detailing more about the families history, explaining also that despite all of Bruce and Abe's similarities, it is Bruce's moral compass that sets him apart. Bruce heads out to face Man-Bat, antidote in hand. Upon confronting him whilst in the air, he points out how Abe's version is far superior in size, strength, as well as a thicker skin/hide than previous Man-Bats/She-Bats, which causes him to break the needle, then begin to fall from the sky to the streets below as the story concludes.

The Review:
Another issue that I wasn't "looking forward" to reading upon seeing that it was another Man-Bat story. Having had at least two that I can think of already since the relaunch, which were well done mind you, it was just time to cover another character. However, I quickly had those feelings taken away after reading which could be (see how it ends) the best one of them yet. Hurwitz added not only to Man-Bat/Kirk Langstrom's history, but also added some of that depth to Batman/Bruce Wayne's also. And, despite them borderline saturating the character of Man-Bat (Kirks, She-Bat, Abe's, Talia's Army and the citizens in DC#700) he has delivered this story very nicely so far.
In some spots I wasn't too sure about the art, a continued issue from previous issues but overall this time it was done well. It told the story as it is meant to do, and the frames and panels with Abraham Langstrom's Man-Bat were top notch, and actually "looks" like the alpha Man-Bat, but in the good way, not an over-the-top cheesy way. I would like to see some "crisper" lines or a style similar to the work done on the Man-Bat parts, as again they were really good, but stood out more because the rest wasn't "as good". Just my opinion of course, it still did as it was meant to, and that's deliver the story that can't fit in word bubbles, and Ethan did that well.
Overall, this was a really good issue. The series at times has had a few "misses", but seems to be going out like a champ with good "silent" issues, and now a really good addition to the Man-Bat and Wayne Family histories the series almost feels like it shouldn't be coming to an end. For those unaware, this title along with Nightwing are coming to an end at issue #30, but do not fret, somewhat going away to make room for the upcoming weekly Batman: Eternal.

Stay Nerdy!

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