Sunday, April 13, 2014


Rl29.DC-Comics.Red-LanternsRed Lanterns #29

Writer: Charles Soule

Artist: Alessandro Vitti

Cover: Stephen Segovia
          Gabe Eltaeb

Red_Lanterns_29.DC-Comics.The Rundown:
Skallox and Zox are testing both their weaponry and the powers of the new Red Lantern, Supergirl. Something that Kara requested. She holds her own pretty well using both her Kryptonian and her ring abilities to take out the missals. She somehow manages to crash the teams bar onto the missal launcher, and are about to share a drink when Guy Gardner steps. He stops Kara, claiming that she is too young to be drinking. Something that Kara doesn't take to kindly to as she causes the glass to break and cut Guy's hand out of small fit of rage. Controlling his own anger, Gardner informs them that they are heading out on patrol. While in space, Guy has Kara do a sweep of the moon while he asks Skallox and Zox to keep her busy while he seeks help with the situation.
Superman is in the middle of a rescue, and almost misses some people when Gardner swoops in with an assist. Guy introduces himself and goes on to explain the Red and Green Lantern situation and his arrangement with Hal. Superman is about to leave when Kara and the other Reds arrive. He immediately blames Guy and is about to remove Kara's ring when Skallox informs him of what would happen. Supergirl also learns that the situation is likely permanent, to which he loses her mind succumbing to the rage within. She begins to fly away when Superman opts to try and talk to her, to which she replies by hitting him with a baseball swing using a massive ship from the sea. She then vaporizes an approaching tidal wave with her heat vision, giving her the release she needs to calm down. Supergirl informs everyone that she is not a piece of luggage to be passed around, and is her own person. She tells Superman that perhaps this is what is best for her as the Reds don't repress anything. Superman doesn't agree with her choice, but he agrees it is hers to make. He just hopes she is happy with it in the end. Superman tell Guy that he appreciates the effort in attempting to help his cousin, but it is on him to look after her, so to try harder at doing so.
The Red Lanterns return to Ysmault to discover a large crater on the planets surface. As the team begins to approach, it is revealed to be a broken and battered Bleez. The Red Lantern Corps member is barely able to utter "Atrocitus". Guy Gardner is completely stunned having thought the former Red Lantern leader was dead.

The Review:
The story was decent, with Superman's reaction to his cousin being the newest member of the Red Lantern Corps. Although I would have preferred more of an action sequence before Superman learned of the situation as a whole, I did like Kara getting the upper hand on him showing the ring has added to her power level. I also enjoyed her reaction to learning that this is possibly a permanent thing and not an "okay I am done being angry now, see you later" type situation. Even though as a reader we know this will likely end at some point, unless overly popular.
The artwork style isn't one of my preferences, it did however, tell the story as it is supposed to. There were also the panels with Supergirl using her powers which were done very well, and popped off the page. As well as the shot of Bleez at the end, it didn't jump from the page, but was done well.
Guy_Gardner.Red-Lanterns.Overall it was an okay issue, I would rate it 2.5-out-of-5. Like I mentioned, I was hoping for more with the original Superhero making his appearance within the title. Superman man is a powerhouse so it presented an opportunity to load up some action sequences. I am liking the direction of the title as of late though. Was unsure of Guy Gardner's addition to the team, but he's grown on me. Zero offense to the current artist, but would like to see the title get a big name artist for a run or two.

You can find the review for the combo issue Green Lantern/Red Lanterns #28 HERE. For other Reviews, News and more! Be sure to head over to The Non-Geeky Nerd to check things out!

Stay Nerdy!

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